A twelve person Board of Directors governs the Island Corridor Foundation. 6 directors represent the Regional Districts and 6 directors represent First Nations. Membership is limited to local governments and First Nation governments whose territories are wholly or partly within the geographic area of the Corridor and have submitted a Member Representative to the ICF prior to the AGM. The board meets regularly. Directors expenses for attending meetings are covered
The current board is comprised of:
Co-Chair – Captial Regional District: Barb Desjardins
Co-Chair Director at Large – Hupacasath First Nation: Judith Sayers
Cowichan Valley Regional District: Ian Morrison
K’ómoks First Nation: Coral Mackay
Halalt First Nation: Chief Bert Thomas
Cowichan Tribes: Calvin Swustus
Alberni Clayoquot Regional District: Ken McRae
Comox Valley Regional District: Will Cole-Hamilton
Hupacasath First Nation: Jim Tatoosh
Regional District of Nanaimo: Ben Geselbracht
Snaw-Naw-As First Nation: Mike Keohane
Directors are elected to the board for a two year term. Directors are nominated by member representatives and do not have to be elected officials.
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