Board Meeting Notes – January 2015

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Approval of Regional District of Nanaimo Director Replacement
Nanaimo Mayor Bill McKay was confirmed to be the newest Director of the Island Corridor Foundation Board. Mayor McKay will represent the Regional District of Nanaimo. He completes the term of former Nanaimo councilor and RDN director Ted Greves. Mayor McKay will join the twelve member Board which is made up of representatives from ten First Nations and five regional districts and two members at large.

New Requirements for the Alberni Subdivision
The British Columbia Safety Authority expressed concern with the operational procedures on the Alberni Sub. A meeting was arranged with the BCSA and the Alberni Pacific Railway to explore the possibility of APR taking on a more formal role for the entire Alberni Sub.
The APR will develop rules and regulations that all APR volunteers must adhere to; equipment certification requirements as laid out by the BCSA; and a members code of conduct.
The ICF will provide additional funding for monthly track and bridge inspections.
It was made clear by the BCSA that they regard the Alberni Sub as an operating track and that all volunteers and equipment must be in compliance with the new procedures.
With a more formal arrangement it is hoped that other rail uses can be developed for the Alberni line.

Federal Crossing Regulations
In an initial report to the ICF about the new federal crossing regulations it was stated that there is a nine to ten year window for whatever upgrades are necessary to be completed.
Although the Island rail is provincially regulated it is expected the province will implement the federal recommendations. There is no indication yet whether the federal or provincial governments will provide funding assistance to the road authorities for the upgrades.
SVI has started a review of all 225 crossings on the Victoria subdivision.

Hayes Stewart Little Co. to preform Year End Audit
Hayes Stewart Little Co. presented their audit plan to the Board, ensuring the Foundation’s financial statements are in accordance with the Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-For-Profit Organizations. The approved financial statements will be presented at the upcoming AGM in April.

Courtenay Train Station
The Courtenay Rotary is prepared to consider a second phase of station improvements. They provided funding and manpower to put on a new roof and upper siding. The ICF is keen to incorporate a ‘Rotary Community Room’ as part of the next phase. Plans are being provided by Tectonica Management to assist in the redevelopment of the station.
Victoria Train Station
Discussions are ongoing with Bayview Properties and the City of Victoria to determine the location(s) for the Victoria terminus that would accommodate inter-city passenger service,(VIA Rail) and provide for a future commuter service between Langford and Victoria.

Track Infrastructure Upgrade
The complete set of business, bridge and track plans has been in the hands of the provincial and federal governments since late October 2014. The provincial ministry of transport requested the British Columbia Safety Authority to update their three year old assessment of the project. The report is now in the hands of the Ministry. Once provincial and federal approvals are given SVI will tender the work. No work will begin until tenders for all works are received and within budget

First Nation Liaison Report
We have had several meetings regarding the Halalt First Nation rail trail discussing planning, construction, manpower, and securing funding. Met with CVRD Parks management to discuss this project. They are also working with Malahat Nation in regards to trail construction. These dollars would fund 1/3 of the total cost of the Halalt trail construction

Land Management
Approved a utility crossing for Cowichan Tribes
Approved a utility crossing for the City of Duncan
Approved land use for the City of Duncan
Approved a temporary license of occupation for a driveway
Esquimalt Nation is moving forward with construction of See Nuu Pin Road crossing

Rail Trail
Capital Regional District is working on finishing the section from four mile bridge to connect to the galloping goose trail. Phase 2 of the E & N Trail will be opening in April. Wilson Road to Esquimalt Road is under construction set to finish in early summer.
Cowichan Valley Regional District finished a section of trail up to Sherman Road from Lake Cowichan. Also finished in late 2014 is the section linking Chemainus to already constructed links within the Nanaimo Regional District.
Halalt First Nation working on securing partners for their section of rail trail.
Nanaimo Regional Rail Trail group is working on an alignment study for the downtown sections of the trail.
Regional District of Nanaimo is completing its alignment study of the 10 kilometer section from Parksville to Coombs and Parksville to French Creek.
City of Courtenay and Courtenay Rotary clubs are continuing working together to build more sections of trail, most recently Phase 4 was completed connecting 21st to 26th Street.

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