Board Meeting Notes March 2015

Audit Presentation
A thorough presentation by the Hayes Stewart Little & Company audit team was made to the Directors. Due to the growth of the organization consideration should be given to allocating additional accounting resources. A risk management strategy and five year plan will be developed as specific operational objectives are determined. The Financial Statements will posted online after the AGM in April.
Track Infrastructure Review
The BC Safety Authority and Ministry of Transportation is still undertaking their second look at the $20.9 million infrastructure plan. Southern Rail and ICF staff have spent considerable time with ministry staff ensuring the plan is fully understood. The Board is concerned with the length of time the review is taking. The ministry has not given a time line of when they will complete their assessment.
Level Road Crossings
The ICF has over two hundred level road crossings on the Victoria sub. There is continual pressure for additional crossings. Each crossing adds to operational costs and can reduce track speed. The Board is developing restrictive crossing policy to address the high demand for track crossings
Courtenay Train Station
A renovation plan has been approved for the Courtenay Train Station in partnership with Courtenay Rotary. In appreciation of Courtenay Rotary’s community fundraising efforts and volunteer labour contributions of approximately $300,000, ‘The Rotary Community Room’ will be established within the station for use by Rotary, and for it to be made available for other community groups on a for use fee basis as mandated by the ICF.
First Nation Liaison Report
Partner groups are working together to plan and design the section of Rail Trail through Halalt First Nation. Malahat First Nation is also showing interest in building trail in their territory in the future. There has been discussion of a co-op program to turn the brushing and grubbing portion of the Rail Trail work into a full training program.
Land Management
Approved a utility crossing for the City of Parksville
Approved land use for the dike system in the Municipal District of North Cowichan
Approved land use for the dike system for Cowichan Tribes
Approved two aerial utility crossing for BC Hydro
Approved an underground crossing for BC Hydro
Approved a road crossing over EN trail in Lake Cowichan
Rail Trail
The Downtown to South Nanaimo alignment & costing study has been done to complete the route between Franklyn and Seventh Streets, a segment just under 2 km in length. The City of Nanaimo Council moved to support development of the E&N Trail by 2019 and provide funding to undertake preliminary design starting in 2014 including route identification work and cost estimating. The study is currently being reviewed with more information to come in the following months.

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