Island Corridor Foundation Board Meeting Notes – Oct 26, 2017
Train Service and track Infrastructure Plan Discussion with Minister Trevena
The ICF and Southern Rail will be meeting with Minister Trevena (Transportation & Infrastructure) in early November to discuss the Nanaimo to Victoria Train Service and Track Infrastructure Plan. There is concern the minister is going to commission another study and delay the badly needed track investment. The board is anxious for the Minister to fully understand the scope of the project and what train services could be provided.
The SVI/ICF plan includes:
- Track infrastructure rebuilt between Nanaimo and Victoria
- The resumption of VIA Passenger Rail service twice daily from Nanaimo to Victoria. (As part of SVI’s commitment they will cover operational costs over and above the VIA Train Service Agreement).
- The current operating freight service expanding
- A tourist excursion train operating between the Nanaimo Cruise Ship terminal and Island communities
- A conventional RDC commuter train service between Victoria and Langford (funded and operated by a transit authority) as a pilot project. Travel time would be 19 minutes.
- Safety Sight & Sound barriers to mitigate impacts on our First Nation Communities
- Trail walking bridge across the Chemainus River (helping to complete the Victoria to Nanaimo rail/trail).
This plan if accepted and funded by the government would secure a future for rail service and help create tourism opportunities.
ICF Strategic Priorities & Operations Plan
The Board approved the 2017 Strategic Priorities & Operations Plan. It will be distributed electronically to the ICF member organizations and posted on the ICF website. The document is a ‘living document’ and will be amended from time to time to reflect changing circumstances. Though it may be amended the document is intended to guide the work of the Foundation over the next five years. In total the Board has endorsed 29 operational goals within the four key focus areas.
Humpback Rd Rail Crossing Closure As part of the Langford transportation plan the Humpback Rd track crossing will remain a gated emergency crossing. The day to day crossing will be closed with the opening of the new Parkway crossing. The new traffic pattern will see another crossing at Leigh Road open in the future.
Connecting Trail Being Planned
The Cowichan Valley Regional District is planning for more trail construction in 2018 that will connect two existing CVRD trail sections, beginning at Cook Street in Chemainus and finishing at Stocking Creek in Saltair. This four kilometer project will complete a 15 kilometer off-road trail experience between Chemainus and downtown Ladysmith.
Regional District of Nanaimo Opens Trail
The Regional District of Nanaimo held an official opening October 14th of the recently completed trail along the rail corridor from Parksville to Coombs. This is the first section of trail to be constructed on the Alberni sub.