At the Nanaimo City Council Meeting on Monday May 11th, City staff and Nanaimo Regional Rail Trail consultants are presenting to council their findings on a study to extend the E&N Trail from the train station south to Seventh St.
If you believe in extending the E&N Trail through our downtown, come to the Council meeting this Monday at 4:30 PM at the Shaw Auditorium to lend your support for the project. If you wish to speak on the project please visit their website. For those coming to support and observe, we encourage you to wear your bike helmet during the meeting.
Communicating your enthusiasm about this project to City Council and the Mayor is easy! Send a quick message of support for the project by contacting Mayor and Council through these various means. Assuming City council agrees on Monday, City staff and the consultant will then move forward with public consultations at which point you can provide your input on the various proposed routes and priorities. Please get involved to help get the Nanaimo Regional Rail Trail the funding it needs and deserves!