Local Government Liaison Meeting

The Island Corridor Foundation had its second meeting with the Local Government Liaison on January 17th 2017, eleven members of local government attended.
Local Government Image
Click above image for complete powerpoint 
Cruise Ship Excursion
Cruise Data
Commuter Train Proposal – Victoria to Langford
Work continues in researching a plan for commuter train service between Victoria and Langford.  The four directly impacted municipalities, Victoria, Esquimalt, View Royal and Langford endorsed the initiative of ‘further exploring’ the viability of commuter train service. The plan is nearing completion and clarification for several operational aspects will be dealt with through a Memorandum of Understanding. The final plan will require the approval of the four municipalities involved and the ICF.
Infrastructure Canada Funding Approval Requirements
Infrastructure Canada is requiring all Building Canada Fund – Major Infrastructure Canada applications to have ministerial sign-off by March 31, 2017. The ICF track infrastructure application falls in this category. Canada has told the ICF the application will not move forward pending resolution of the ongoing litigation with the Snaw-Naw- As First Nation. If the March deadline is not met the ICF may make a new application. Any future application would require updated costs and details on secured funding and must be prioritized by the Province of British Columbia.
ICF Trail – Ongoing Construction
Since February 2006, community ownership of the E&N rail corridor by the ICF has generated an opportunity to create a larger system of rails-with-trails, linking communities and rural areas along the 290-kilometre corridor.
Well designed rail trails can provide many benefits to both operators and the communities through which the rights-of-way run. Along with this opportunity comes the task of ensuring consistent and ICF Trail Guideline, covering all aspects of trail development with the additional challenge of ensuring safety for both rail and trail users.
E & N Trail1
View our  ICF Trail Guidelines

New McLean Mill Society Formed
The City of Alberni has created the McLean Mill Society to assist in the promotion and operation of the McLean Mill Steam Train and operation of the mill. The Alberni Pacific Railway (APR) will now be able to focus on operating the train and ensuring track conditions meet British Columbia Safety Authority requirements. The City will develop an immediate and ten yearplan of track work that will be required on the six miles of railroad that the steam train operates. Southern Rail will continue to provide advice and assistance to the City and the APR.
Local Government Liaison Questions
Does ICF collect a finder’s fee for crossings? No.
Does the ICF receive revenue from inspections of municipal railroad crossings? No.

Do local governments pay crossing fees?
Yes, the rail line is still considered an ‘operating railroad’. There are road crossing maintenance agreements between all road authorities and the ICF rail operator, Southern Railway of Vancouver Island. Regular safety inspections and required maintenance continue to be performed by the railway operator. Maintenance costs are allocated according to the terms of each individual crossing agreement. Inspection and maintenance of crossings must comply with the requirements of Railway Safety Act and Regulations administered by the British Columbia Safety Authority.

Will Port Albernis railway crossings need to be updated?
Some will require upgrades if rail service commences on the Alberni subdivision.
Where would the events be taking place if we moved ahead with the cruise ship train opportunity? Southern Rail is focusing on the cruise ship terminal at Wellcox yard to Chemainus Theatre. Offering lunch and show, and tourist walk to view the murals.
Would cruise ship tours still go to McLean Mill? Yes there would likey be an increase of visitors to the McLean Mill as most cruise ships carry over 2500 people.
Why can’t you start construction on the track today? Infrastructure Canada is requiring all Building Canada Fund – Major Infrastructure Canada applications to have ministerial sign-off by March 31, 2017. The ICF track infrastructure application falls in this category. Canada has told the ICF the application will not move forward pending resolution of the ongoing litigation with the Snaw-Naw-As First Nation. If the March deadline is not met the ICF may make a new application. Any future application would require updated costs and details on secured funding and must be prioritized by the Province of British Columbia.

If trains don’t run, will ICF give the land back?
No. Extensive trail construction as well as many public utilities use the corridor.
Will ICF allow CRD to run a commuter train service? Yes, work continues in researching a plan for commuter train service between Victoria and Langford. The four directly impacted municipalities, Victoria, Esquimalt, View Royal and Langford endorsed the initiative of ‘further exploring’ the viability of commuter train service. The plan is nearing completion and clarification for several operational aspects will be dealt with through a Memorandum of Understanding. The final plan will require the approval of the four municipalities involved and the ICF.
Will the commuter train run to Duncan or Shawnigan Lake? Not at this time, the pilot program that is being researched would initially run between Langford and Victoria.
Can the money requested from the Federal and Provencal government be used for the commuter train? Any track upgrades completed under the track infrastructure project would assist the commuter rail plan.

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