Courtenay Station – Call for Ideas

Do you have a great idea for the Courtenay Train Station?

The Island Corridor Foundation (ICF) is calling for ideas that can shape a vision for the future use of the Courtenay Train Station. The ICF is working with the support of Komoks First Nation and the City of Courtenay to review the submitted ideas to ensure that the vision for this historic landmark meet the community’s needs.

“We are interested in submissions from organizations, as well as ‘big ideas’ from any member of the public who would like to see this facility live up to its potential. All submissions and feedback are welcome as we look forward to hearing from a broad cross section of the community. At one time this train station was a vibrant community hub, and we’d like to return it to a thriving focal point once again.”

Larry Stevenson, CEO of the Island Corridor Foundation

Your ideas will reveal new opportunities as we together overcome the challenges in the restoration of this important asset. The redevelopment process for the building is anticipated to be a multi-year and multi-phase project.


  • A new destination and experience focused on community.
  • An animated, creative, collaborative and interactive public space.
  • A potential place of opportunity for Non-profits, local First Nations, Community, Cultural, Arts, etc…

Note: This will be a community project and therefore, commercial operations will not be considered.

To assist interested parties in the development of their proposals, the train station will be open for viewing on August 7th and 8th from 10am to 2pm. We will also hold an open house discussion for all members of the community on August 8th from 5pm to 7pm at the Grand Hall of the Native Sons Hall.


                  Idea/Proposal Submission closing date is September 4th, 2019.

To submit your idea, download and print the PDF application form by clicking the button below. Once you’ve filled out the application, simply scan and email it to the email address provided on the form. We look forward to hearing from you!