Support from James Lunney

As the Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Alberni, I am pleased that the Southern Rail and Via have been able to come to agreement on a long- awaited Train Service Agreement.
Today is a day to celebrate this milestone and a new opportunity to keep a rail future on Vancouver Island. I know Southern and ICF are well-advanced in preparation to complete the up-grades and restore service.
With a vastly improved and user-friendly schedule, I am sure our Island communities and residents will take up the opportunity that restored service represents. This has been a long and challenging process. I am pleased that the provincial government stepped forward, which allowed us to secure a matching federal contribution, the Regional Districts and local communities have all played a role to bring us to this day. Today, I congratulate everyone involved, let’s all pull together, take advantage of the opportunity and ensure that a rail that brought Vancouver Island into Confederation as part of British Columbia remains a vital part of life and experience on Vancouver Island for residents and visitors alike.
With my hearty congratulations,
James Lunney MP Nanaimo-Alberni

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