VIA Train Schedule is for Island Service
The VIA train schedule for Island communities will offer twice daily service between Nanaimo and Victoria four days of the week. On Wednesdays it will travel between Nanaimo, Victoria and Qualicum and on weekends to Courtenay.
The service will be adjusted as ridership demand warrants it.
“This is the initial schedule that Southern Rail developed last spring, times and stops will be adjusted to meet the needs of the greatest number of Island residents once the service is fully operational”, said Graham Bruce, CEO of the Island Corridor Foundation.
“An important change in the train service agreement with VIA is that we now have the ability to alter the schedule”, added Bruce
“VIA rail provides intra-city service”, said Bruce “but with the track improvements complete the western communities in Victoria will be able to consider the merits of a commuter train between Langford and Victoria”.
The VIA service will be located at Nanaimo and provide an early morning and mid-day southbound trip to Victoria Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday and Friday.
On Wednesday the train will travel to Victoria and then up to Qualicum and on weekends it will run from Nanaimo to Victoria, Victoria to Courtenay return with a late day trip from Victoria to Nanaimo.
Southern believes there is strong demand for intra-city passenger service and is intent on meeting community needs said Bruce.
Bruce said the commuter service between the western communities is something the ICF encourages Langford to push for with the other local governments. “It’s obvious there is a traffic problem at rush hours and a rail service could very well help to alleviate some of the congestion”.
“There is certainly lots of track capacity for commuter train service between Victoria and Langford and even the Cowichan Valley”.
Funds for the track improvements have been committed by the federal, provincial and regional governments. Work will be tendered once both the federal and provincial government departments complete their review and sign off.